martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

FERIA DEL LIBRO: propón tu libro 4

Autor: Robert Luis Stevenson
Editorial: Black Cat (Adpated)


David Balfour get the family home in Edinburgh alter his father dies but his uncle Ebenezes also wants the house and puts David on a ship to America. After a long journey through the sea, David tries to find his way back to Scotland. But can find it?

Fragmento seleccionado

The waves grew bigger and the ship was thrown onto the rocks again and again. Some of the men were trying to put a boat into the sea. It was very difficult because the sea was so rough. Waves kept breaking over us and the ship was sinking. Suddenly one of the men cried out; a huge wave hit the Covenant and we were all thrown into the sea.

¿Por qué recomiendo este libro?

Robert Luis Stevenson is one the finest writers of adventures novels. He was so good as writing that it is very easy to read his novels and you enjoy them again and again.
This book is very interesting and there are a lot of adventures and journeys in it. Besides David Balfour is a nice boy and the reader wants the best for him. You will travel in this book for the furious and quiet sea and, of course, you will taste the beautiful Scotland (Stevenson´s country in which he is a national hero).

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